Caulking and Joint Sealing

Caulking and joint sealing is the process of sealing skirting boards to prevent floor damages, wood rotting, mould and pest issues. High traffic and moisture rooms such as kitchens, living rooms and laundries are particularly prone to skirting being damaged or moved.

Joint sealing is essential in prevent damages to your home, especially in the colder months when you home loses heat. Caulking fills in all the gaps or seams in the joinery to ensure all the joints are waterproof and air tight. The sealant allows to keep water and air out of gaps and holes to prevent moulding and rotting.

Besides keeping heat in, caulking also works great to cover up any imperfections in the joineries. Uneven walls, misjudged cuts, and any damages are easily filled with caulk to make your home look neater and finished.

There are many different types of caulk on the market and it is important you choose the right one. For example, bathrooms, laundries and kitchens require silicone caulk to ensure it is waterproof. However, general caulking and gap sealing may require acrylic latex caulk instead, as it is easier to spread and comes in a range of colours to match your home.

If you are not sure what type of caulk is right for you, Caulkr here to assist you. Choosing the wrong materials and improper joint sealing can create more issues and result in some serious damage.